
Our instructors top tracks for spin motivation!

02nd Jun 2023

At ClubCycle Cambridge we offer range of spin classes with different instructors, each of which have a different music taste! One thing that all our instructors agree on is that music is the biggest motivator in any workout.

We interviewed our instructors to find out what their number one song for spin motivation is. Whether they use this song in a heavy climb or a fast sprint, you are guaranteed to hear their top song at some point at a ClubCycle Cambridge spin class.


“I have loads of songs that I love to spin to and I try and keep my music varied with every class. However, I really don’t think that you can beat blasting Back in Black by AC/DC when trying to push yourself up a heavy climb. Otherwise, I love disco or light drum and bass to get me through a hard session”.


“I think my favourite spin song has to be Have Some Fun by Deekline, purely because when I did my first ever spin class the instructor, who turned out to be my favourite ever spin instructor, played the song. I’d never heard it before and I loved the song instantly. It’s just such a fun and uplifting song that goes well with fast paced and hard spins!”.


“There are too many songs to pick from, it’s such a hard decision. I think my number one song has to be Stronger by Kanye West. I really do believe that what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger, especially in a spin class. I also like spinning to old school tracks, like Crashed the Wedding by Busted or Single Ladies by Beyonce as the lyrics and beat make it easy to switch off and work hard”.


“My all time spin song is The Pot by Tool. If you haven’t heard it, it’s very heavy! I love it because the different sections in this 6.5 minute song are perfect for alternating through different types of spin workouts (jumps, sprints, climbs, etc). I won’t lie, It also helps me channel my inexpressible rage!”


“I like any track that has distinct sections, so that you can vary the efforts within a short time frame. Personally, I like tracks with a metal/rap hybrid nature as it gives lots of variety without being too busy. I would also like to add that the my best spin tracks often don’t come from my preferred music genre. I once had a client at ClubCycle remark how much they loved a dubstep track I included… I didn’t even know what Dubstep was! It can be frustrating that a lot of music that you love doesn’t really work when you teach, but it does give you a chance to explore other stuff”.


“I like to include Rockafella Skank by Fatboy Slim at any opportunity in a spin class. In just the one track, you can get in 2 sprints and a long climb that get so hard it ends up being a standing climb”.


“My top song for spin motivation is Pretty Girls on Bikes by Zig Mentality. I love it because it’s rock, so it pushes me through any workout and it’s about bikes, so it’s very fitting. I like to play it as a hill climb with a sprint to finish and find it motivates me the whole way. However, if you’ve ever been to one of my classes, you’ll know that it should be renamed ‘sweaty girls on bikes’.