
The top 3 ways spin classes can improve your mental health

18th Apr 2023

Spinning has become the world’s most popular way to exercise. With pumping music, a great atmosphere, and a strong sense of community, the new craze works the core and legs and improves both physical and mental health.

We could spend all day listing the physical and mental health benefits of a ClubCycle Cambridge spin class. To save you from hours of reading, here are the top three ways that ClubCycle spin classes and improve both your mental and physical health.

1. Cardiovascular benefits

Arguably the best physical health benefit of spin is that it improves your cardiovascular health, which is beneficial for absolutely everyone.

During a spin class your heart works hard and the muscle become stronger. This strong heart will provide a long term reduction in your resting heart rate and blood pressure. This means that your heart won’t have to work so hard to move blood, oxygen and nutrients around the body, which will take the pressure of the arteries!

2. Gives you time to focus on yourself and a community

The older we get the busier life seems to be. With work, socialising and family commitments, it can be so hard to focus on yourself. Not taking time to focus on yourself can seriously impact your mental well-being, so dedicating an hour or two a week to yourself will make a huge difference. Not only is it important to take time out, but exercise also releases endorphins, which will allow you to leave the session feeling good and less stressed!

Spin is also a community focused way to exercise, meaning that you can meet new people, which will hopefully push you to work harder!

3. You can push yourself without risking injury

Good for both your mental and physical health, being able to push yourself out of your comfort zone can lead to reduced stress, increased self-esteem, stronger muscles and weight loss.

When you spin, you have the ability to move, build muscle and/or lose weight, without the impact on your joints. This makes spin a great low-impact sport that still produces real results.