
Why Spin? The benefits of indoor cycling

30th Nov 2022

Indoor cycling has quickly become one of the most popular fitness classes on the market. It’s known for its engaging music, moody lighting, upbeat instructors, and electric atmosphere.

But what is the craze really about? Well, apart from being exciting, indoor cycling has many benefits for our mental and physical health. The top seven are:

1.  It can help with weight loss

Depending on the person, in a 40-minute indoor cycling class, you can burn between 400 to 600 calories. Using this energy helps to put you in a calorie deficit, which can lead to weight loss. Indoor cycling can also help you to boost your metabolism, further aiding weight loss!

2. It improves your heart health

Your heart is a muscle, and just like any other muscle in the body, it needs to be used and trained. Indoor cycling causes your heart to pump faster to move blood around the body. As a result, your heart will become stronger leading to increased fitness as well as a decreased risk of heart-related health issues!

3. It’s a social and fun way to exercise

There is no doubt that indoor cycling provides a fun way to exercise. Built on strong communities of like-minded people, in a cycling class you can make friend with other cyclist which makes attending a class more motivating!

4. There are no problems with the weather

Road cycling is a great form of exercise…. apart from when its raining and windy, and as we live in England it’s wet and windy all the time! Indoor cycling offers the same benefits as road cycling, but you can do it all-year round, whether it’s sun or snow outside!

5. It can make you feel less stressed

Indoor cycling can lower the level of cortisol in your body, which can lead to you feeling less stressed. It can also help to relieve tension and research has found the those who cycle are less stressed.

6. It’s lower impact than other workouts

Whilst running is a fantastic way to get the heart rate up, release steam and burn some calories, it’s also incredibly high impact and taxing on the joints. Indoor cycling is much kinder to the joints and offers a great way to get the heart working without risking injuries.

7. It will strengthen your muscles

Having strong muscles helps in all areas of our life, from lifting weights to being able to walk up the stairs or not fall over in later life. When completing tough hill climbs and sprints in a cycling class, your legs are working hard, which will use your muscles and cause them to get stronger!


So, if you’re looking for an all-year round workout that will help you lose weight, strengthen your muscles (including the heart!), is kind to your joints, and can give you the opportunity to meet new people, then give indoor cycling a try!